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Blue, Violet, Green and Red
"Blue, Violet, Green and Red.
Rich, Poor, Artist, Dead."
30,5 x 50,8 cm
he Blue Ridge Mountains in North Carolina, which I left behind, are home to the common Blue Jay. After an endless drive cross country I finally came to a mountain with Pacific ocean view on the West Coast.
Here i met the bluer version of a Blue Jay with a punk hair-do, also called Steller Jay.
The thorny blackberries covering the Oregonian coast and my living situation inspired me to the rhyme, the title of the painting.
The glaring sun is a silver dollar and the mountain side to the left belongs to Mt. Emily, the only place on the continental America which was reached by an enemy airplane during WWII.
A Japanese plane got far off track and dropped his incendiary bombs in September 1942 on Wheeler Ridge, instead of dropping them on a nearby city.