King of Ants II 15,4" x 21,7"
his title is the sequel of The King of Ants.
The American equivalent for the German saying "working like ants" is "busy bees", because the ants are as assiduous workers as the bees.
Ursula and I worked like the ants and found eachother rarely at home. One day I found a note on the desk that said:
"I thought we wanted to be king and queen. But instead we are working like ants (busy bees)!"
The work-boots point to the tough moonlight jobs.
Thereupon I tinker a crown made of paper and painted it all over with ants. With that paper crown on my head I appeared at her moonlight job, a waitress in a bar in which we both were leaseholders 3 years later and made that place the Best Bar in Town till 2005.
At least we became boss ants, even though we were still not the king and queen.
Hard labor doesn't make you rich. You only get back pain from it. But it's still possible to make your dreams come true.
I always dreamt of having a Harley Davidson. In my opinion it is important to fulfill your dreams before they turn against you and will make you envious by looking at other people who have what was your goal to get.
In this painting I show my work-boots as I showed my work-gloves in the first painting The King of Ants.
The description is for both of them.
The King of Ants and The King of Ants II.
The King of Ants, The King of the Busy Bees,